Wednesday, November 26, 2014

IntelliScreenX is a multi- purpose tweak that brings a variety of information to the lockscreen and notification center. It gives an at a glance view of Facebook, RSS, Mail and much more to the user right on the lockscreen and NC. And it's crack is almost impossible to find anywhere on internet. But you're lucky because here we provide you the rare crack of IntelliScreenX. So what are you waiting for ? Quickly grab your copy and enjoy free intelliscrrenX on your iDevices

How to install .deb file via ispirit?

Setps to install IntelliscreenX7:

1. Download .deb file (Download IntelliscreenX7)
2. Upload .deb file to your iDevice
3. Install .deb file via ispirit
4. Respring Springboard
5. Enjoy!


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