Friday, April 19, 2013

Hey guys you are user of mig33 and own a group, but there aren't enough member in your group or you want to make your group more popular by inviting other users in mig33 then here's a application which will make your taks about 100 times easier...

AsiansWorld Group Inviter By iwillcry4u



  1. Spy ID login feature.
  2. Spy ID load/Save option.
  3. Can send invite to all group members at a time.
  4. Mobile Controller system.
  5. Controller can add alternative commanders to give command to soft.
  6. Send notification to room about every action.
  7. Can choose presence of spy id.

How to use:

  1. First join group by spy id.
  2. Login your Spy ID and join chatroom linked with group to which you want to invite users with that spy id.
  3. Write controller id in controller id.
  4. Write name of room in 'get room user list' where you want to send invite and click on listUser.
  5. After getting room userlist click on invite button.
  6. Wait for sometime waiting time will be shown in software.
  7. After complete invitation sending you will be notified.

Mobile Controller Commands:

  1. .join <roomname>
  2. .leave
  3. .getlist <roomname>
  4. .invite
  5. .addmod <username>
  6. .delmod <username>
  7. .set online
  8. .set offline
  9. .set away
  10. .set busy

Pvt 'iwillcry4u' on mig33 to activate this soft...

Download from here.


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