Hey guys you are user of mig33 and own a group, but there aren't enough member in your group or you want to make your group more popular by inviting other users in mig33 then here's a application which will make your taks about 100 times easier...
AsiansWorld Group Inviter By iwillcry4u
- Spy ID login feature.
- Spy ID load/Save option.
- Can send invite to all group members at a time.
- Mobile Controller system.
- Controller can add alternative commanders to give command to soft.
- Send notification to room about every action.
- Can choose presence of spy id.
How to use:
- First join group by spy id.
- Login your Spy ID and join chatroom linked with group to which you want to invite users with that spy id.
- Write controller id in controller id.
- Write name of room in 'get room user list' where you want to send invite and click on listUser.
- After getting room userlist click on invite button.
- Wait for sometime waiting time will be shown in software.
- After complete invitation sending you will be notified.
Mobile Controller Commands:
- .join <roomname>
- .leave
- .getlist <roomname>
- .invite
- .addmod <username>
- .delmod <username>
- .set online
- .set offline
- .set away
- .set busy
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