Friday, July 19, 2013

Note : Only For Educational Purpose

Just Follow these easy steps :-
1. First download havij from here

Havij Advanced SQL Injection
2. Run Havij SQL Injection software and copy and paste vulnerable website link there.
3. Now click in the Analyze Button
4. Then It shows some messages there. Be alert on it and be show patience forsometime to find it’s vulnerability, type of injection to use, db server and database name.Then after get it’s database is name like xxxxx_xxxxx
5. Then Move to another operation to find tables by clicking tables . Now click Get tables Then wait some time if needed.
6. After founded the tables ,you can see there will be users Put mark on it
and click in the get columns tab.
7. In that Just put mark username and password and click Get data.
8. After completing these steps you will get username and password of website's admin.


  1. Replies
    1. @ashish subedi, It requires some mind and patience. If this didn't work for you this means u dnt have both of these & remeber hacking is not easy as to eat and sleep it requires a lot of knowledge and this is basic one

  2. Yeah, It's Working !!! Thanks Man

  3. how to hack facebook by havij

    1. The site you are trying to hack should have sqli vulnerability then only havij works.. Try to find some vulnerability and inject with havij


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